After you finished installing Java 2 SDK 1.4 then you need to configure path and class path.
Configuration for Windows 98
  1. Run MS DOS prompt, then type :
C:>set path=c:\jdk141bin
  1. If you install SDK in another folder, then you need to change jdk1.4 to be:
C:>set path=c:\installed folder\bin
  1. You can check the configuration result by type :
C:>java -version
  1. If you run the command above in deferent folder, then the configuration is succed
  1. If you don’t want to repeat the step above every time you want run java, you can add the line code bellow into autoexec.bat file.
SET PATH=C:\installation folder\bin;%PATH%
Configuration for Windows 2000/XP
You don’t need edit autoexec.bat file in Windows 2000 or XP because Windows 2000 and XP have provided GUI (Graphic User Interface) for configure Environment Variable such as PATH.
  1. Run Control Panel, change layout into Classic View.
  1. Click on Icon System.
  1. Choose Advanced tab
  1. Click Environment Variable button.
  1. Add path into existing PATH variable.

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