DLL File Ms. Windows

DLL File Ms. Windows
DLL (Dynamic Link Library) basicly is biner file which has functions ready to use which can call by executeable file or the other DLL file.
Generally DLL File have *.dll extension, even this form is not the standard form. There are the type of DLL file have the special extension, such as *.drv (for driver), *.fon (for font), etc., DLL work as object bases, but not support the OOP (Object Oriented Programming).
The benefit using the DLL File is :
  • Can reduce the size of the Application and memory
  • Some upplication can upgradeable, just change the DLL File and did’nt making any changing into executeable file.
  • DLL is very Dynamic, it mean DLL call to the memory when it needed, so it can keep memory space.
  • DLL File can call by different compiler, for exp : DLL File that compile with C++ could call by the other application that made by Delphi or the other Development Application.
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